Pos. |
Last P. |
City |
No Co. |
Total Sales |
17151 | (17178) | Calusco D'Adda (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17152 | (17179) | Camerata Picena (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17153 | (17180) | Carbonara Scrivia (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17154 | (17181) | Carugo (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17155 | (17182) | Castle (United Kingdom) | 2 | 16.00 |
17156 | (17183) | Castrolibero (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17157 | (17184) | Cavaso Del Tomba (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17158 | (17185) | Ceaulmont (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17159 | (17186) | Cerisy La For�t, Cerisy La Foret (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17160 | (17187) | Cesenatico (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17161 | (17188) | Champdieu (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17162 | (17189) | �igli Izmir, Cigli Izmir (Turkey) | 2 | 16.00 |
17163 | (17190) | Codroipo (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17164 | (17191) | Cornuda (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17165 | (17192) | Cr�mieu, Cremieu (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17166 | (17193) | Cumberland (United Kingdom) | 2 | 16.00 |
17167 | (17194) | Deilingen (Germany) | 2 | 16.00 |
17168 | (17195) | Ensival (Belgium) | 2 | 16.00 |
17169 | (17196) | Fauillet (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17170 | (17197) | Flieden (Germany) | 2 | 16.00 |
17171 | (17198) | Forsa (Sweden) | 2 | 16.00 |
17172 | (17199) | Freienhufen (Germany) | 2 | 16.00 |
17173 | (17200) | Friesach (Austria) | 2 | 16.00 |
17174 | (17201) | Froyennes (Belgium) | 2 | 16.00 |
17175 | (17202) | Galatina (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17176 | (17203) | Gazzuolo (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17177 | (17204) | Grottazzolina (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17178 | (17205) | Hagenbach (Germany) | 2 | 16.00 |
17179 | (17206) | Hertfordsire (United Kingdom) | 2 | 16.00 |
17180 | (17207) | Hinnerjoki (Finland) | 2 | 16.00 |
17181 | (17208) | Hurdal (Norway) | 2 | 16.00 |
17182 | (17209) | Johannesberg (Germany) | 2 | 16.00 |
17183 | (17210) | Jugon Les Lacs (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17184 | (17211) | Kessel-Lo (Belgium) | 2 | 16.00 |
17185 | (17212) | Kestel Bursa (Turkey) | 2 | 16.00 |
17186 | (17213) | Kj�llefjord, Kjollefjord (Norway) | 2 | 16.00 |
17187 | (17214) | La Londe Les Maures (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17188 | (17215) | Laarne (Belgium) | 2 | 16.00 |
17189 | (17216) | Lambsheim (Germany) | 2 | 16.00 |
17190 | (17217) | Lamonzie St Martin (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17191 | (17218) | Laren Nh (Netherlands) | 2 | 16.00 |
17192 | (17219) | Legorreta (Spain) | 2 | 16.00 |
17193 | (17220) | Les Chatelliers Chateaumur (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17194 | (17221) | Lomello (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17195 | (17222) | Lu�ay Le Male, Lucay Le Male (France) | 2 | 16.00 |
17196 | (17223) | Marcaria (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17197 | (17224) | Marino (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17198 | (17225) | Misano Di Gera D'Adda (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
17199 | (17226) | M�hnesee, Moehnesee (Germany) | 2 | 16.00 |
17200 | (17227) | Monte San Pietro (Italy) | 2 | 16.00 |
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters.
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