The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
16751(16778)Sint Odilienberg (Netherlands)118
16752(16779)Siuntio Kk (Finland)118
16753(16780)Sketta (Norway)118
16754(16781)Stora Sundby (Sweden)118
16755(16782)Ternberg (Austria)118
16756(16783)Torrelodones (Spain)118
16757(16784)Turinsk (Russia)118
16758(16785)Volkel (Netherlands)118
16759(16786)Waspik (Netherlands)118
16760(16787)Watergang (Netherlands)118
16761(16788)Westwoud (Netherlands)118
16762(16789)Winssen (Netherlands)118
16763(16790)Woerdense Verlaat (Netherlands)118
16764(16791)Woudrichem (Netherlands)118
16765(16792)Burträsk, Burtraesk (Sweden)617
16766(16793)Tavernerio (Italy)617
16767(16794)Tervola (Finland)617
16768(16795)Baiersdorf (Germany)517
16769(16796)Brives Charensac (France)517
16770(16797)Dronten (Netherlands)517
16771(16798)Maisons Laffitte (France)517
16772(16799)San Felice Sul Panaro (Italy)517
16773(16800)Seyssinet Pariset (France)517
16774(16801)Annone Di Brianza (Italy)417
16775(16802)Bagnolo Mella (Italy)417
16776(16803)Bjärnum, Bjaernum (Sweden)417
16777(16804)Boffalora Sopra Ticino (Italy)417
16778(16805)Boos (France)417
16779(16806)Bourg La Reine (France)417
16780(16807)Breuil Le Sec (France)417
16781(16808)Christiansfeld (Denmark)417
16782(16809)Courcelles Les Lens (France)417
16783(16810)Farra Di Soligo (Italy)417
16784(16811)Folschviller (France)417
16785(16812)Granville (France)417
16786(16813)Jouy Aux Arches (France)417
16787(16814)Kupferzell (Germany)417
16788(16815)La Baule Escoublac (France)417
16789(16816)Leffe (Italy)417
16790(16817)Mariefred (Sweden)417
16791(16818)Montebello Vicentino (Italy)417
16792(16819)Montivilliers (France)417
16793(16820)Ruukki (Finland)417
16794(16821)Saint Flour (France)417
16795(16822)Saint Paul Trois Chateaux (France)417
16796(16823)Saint Tropez (France)417
16797(16824)Schemmerhofen (Germany)417
16798(16825)Senonches (France)417
16799(16826)Suello (Italy)417
16800(16827)Uckange (France)417

1..50 16651..16700, 16701..16750, 16751..16800, 16801..16850, 16851..16900 28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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