The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
14651(14672)Straßlach, Strasslach (Germany)132
14652(14673)Svanesund (Sweden)132
14653(14674)Tarcal (Hungary)132
14654(14675)Västerfärnebo, Vaesterfaernebo (Sweden)132
14655(14676)Villafranca de Cordoba (Spain)132
14656(14677)Villareal de los Infant (Spain)132
14657(14678)Zbuzany (Czech Republic)132
14658(14679)Zuera (Spain)132
14659(14680)Jalasjärvi, Jalasjaervi (Finland)1131
14660(14681)Töcksfors, Toecksfors (Sweden)831
14661(14682)Münsingen, Muensingen (Germany)731
14662(14683)Gaiarine (Italy)631
14663(14684)Saint Gilles (France)631
14664(14685)Schönaich, Schoenaich (Germany)631
14665(14686)Sorgues (France)631
14666(14687)Wendeburg (Germany)631
14667(14688)Burgheim (Germany)531
14668(14689)Risør, Risor (Norway)531
14669(14690)Røst, Rost (Norway)531
14670(14691)Untersiemau (Germany)531
14671(14692)Argenbühl, Argenbuehl (Germany)431
14672(14693)Beelen (Germany)431
14673(14694)Beerfelden (Germany)431
14674(14695)Carentoir (France)431
14675(14696)Castel Bolognese (Italy)431
14676(14697)Chambly (France)431
14677(14698)Dieuze (France)431
14678(14699)Great Abington (United Kingdom)431
14679(14700)Inderøy, Inderoy (Norway)431
14680(14701)La Ravoire (France)431
14681(14702)La Rochette (France)431
14682(14703)Lizy Sur Ourcq (France)431
14683(14704)Ratekau (Germany)431
14684(14705)Skui (Norway)431
14685(14706)Sulzbach an der Murr (Germany)431
14686(14707)Volkmarsen (Germany)431
14687(14708)Westendorf (Germany)431
14688(14709)Yverdon-Les-Bains (Switzerland)431
14689(14710)Birkenau (Germany)331
14690(14711)Castelcovati (Italy)331
14691(14712)Essen (Belgium)331
14692(14713)Ljungbyholm (Sweden)331
14693(14714)Mantorp (Sweden)331
14694(14715)Mongstad (Norway)331
14695(14716)Oberentfelden (Switzerland)331
14696(14717)Poppenhausen (Germany)331
14697(14718)Portici (Italy)331
14698(14719)Rottofreno (Italy)331
14699(14720)Tradate (Italy)331
14700(14721)Wanssum (Netherlands)331

1..50 14551..14600, 14601..14650, 14651..14700, 14701..14750, 14751..14800 28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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