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The Top500-Lexicon

The lexicon of the top500 ( The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes ) explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications.

NACE Code 74.13 Market research and public opinion polling

The NACE Code 74.13 is described as
Market research and public opinion polling

This class includes:
· investigation into market potential, acceptance, and familiarity of products and buying habits of consumers for the purpose of sales promotion and development of new products, including statistical analyses of the results
· investigation into collective opinions of the public about political, economic and social issues and statistical analysis thereof

It belongs to the code group
NACE Code 74.1 Legal, accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public opinion polling; business and management consultancy; holdings

To this Code "74.13" belongs the sub codes
(No direct sub codes available)

The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
7413: Market research and public opinion polling
  Activités d'études de marché et de sondage

The equivalent NAICS Code (Rev. 2002) is
541910: Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling

The Nearest HS Code (Harmonized System) (Rev. 2002) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
74.13: Markt- und Meinungsforschung - Markt- und Meinungsforschung
74.13: Market research and public opinion polling - Market research and public opinion polling
74.13: Activités d'études de marché et de sondage
74.13: Studi di mercato e sondaggi di opinione
74.13: Estudios de mercado y realizacion de encuestas de opinion publica
74.13: Markt- en opinieonderzoekbureaus
74.13: Meningsmåling og markedsanalyse

Alternative Spellings (synonyms): Markt, market, markets, M?rkte, Marktes, Research, researcher, Markts, researchers
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