NACE Code 33 Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks |
The NACE Code 33 is described as
Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks
Description Division 33 also includes the installation and repair of such industrial equipment, although the repair of personal goods falls under group 52.7 (Repair of personal and household goods).
Division 33 covers not only scientific and technical instruments (e.g. electro-diagnostic apparatus, avionic equipment, etc.) but also photographic and cinematographic equipment, industrial process control equipment, and personal goods (e.g. watches, spectacles, etc.).
(2019-08-02) It belongs to the code group
NACE Code D Manufacturing
To this Code "33" belongs the sub codes
- NACE Code 33.1: Manufacture of medical and surgical equipment and orthopaedic appliances
- NACE Code 33.2: Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipment
- NACE Code 33.3: Manufacture of industrial process control equipment
- NACE Code 33.4: Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
- NACE Code 33.5: Manufacture of watches and clocks
The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
33: | Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks |
| Fabrication d'instruments médicaux, de précision et d'optique et d'horlogerie |
The equivalent NAICS Code (Rev. 2002) is
3345: | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
The Nearest HS Code (Harmonized System) (Rev. 2002) is
Translation of the Code description
33: | Medizin-, Mess-, Steuer- und Regelungstechnik, Optik, Herstellung von Uhren - Herstellung von Medizin-, Mess-, Steuer- und Regelungstechnik; Optik |
33: | Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks - Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks |
33: | Fabrication d'instruments médicaux, de précision, d'optique et d'horlogerie |
33: | Fabbricazione di apparecchi medici, di apparecchi di precisione, di strumenti ottici e di orologi |
33: | Fabricacion de equipo e instrumentos medico-quirurgicos, de precision, optica y relojeria |
33: | Vervaardiging van medische apparatuur en instrumenten, van precisie- en optische instrumenten en van uurwerken |
33: | Fremstilling af medicinsk udstyr, instrumenter, ure mv. |
| Alternative Spellings (synonyms):
manufactur, manufacture, Instrument, manufactures, Instruments, watch |
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