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The Top500-Lexicon

The lexicon of the top500 ( The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes ) explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications.

ISIC Code 3710 Recycling of metal waste and scrap

The ISIC Code 3710 is described as
Recycling of metal waste and scrap

This class includes:
· processing of metal waste and scrap and of metal articles into secondary raw material. Examples of mechanical or chemical transformation processes are:
· mechanical crushing of metal waste such as used cars, washing machines, bikes etc. with subsequent sorting and separation
· mechanical reduction of large iron pieces such as railway wagons
· shredding of metal waste, end-of-life vehicles etc.
· other methods of mechanical treatment as cutting, pressing to reduce the volume
· ship-breaking
This class excludes:
· manufacture of new final metals or new final metal products from (whether or not self-manufactured) secondary metal raw materials, see divisions 27 and 28
· car dismantling sites, demolition of machinery, computers in order to obtain reusable parts etc., including trade in second-hand spare parts, see divisions 50, 51 and 52
· disposal of used goods such as refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste, see 9000

It belongs to the code group
ISIC Code 371 Recycling of metal waste and scrap

To this Code "3710" belongs the sub codes
(No direct sub codes available)

The equivalent NACE Code (Rev. 1.1) is
37.10: Rückgewinnung von metallischen Altmaterialien und Reststoffen - Rückgewinnung von Schrott
37.10: Recycling of metal waste and scrap - Recycling of metal waste and scrap
37.10: Récupération de déchets et débris métalliques
37.10: Riciclaggio di cascami e rottami metallici
37.10: Reciclaje de chatarra y desechos de metal
37.10: Recycling van metaalafval
37.10: Genbrug af metalaffaldsprodukter

The equivalent NAICS Code (Rev. 2002) is
423930: Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers

The equivalent CPC Code (Rev. 1.1) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
3710: Recycling of metal waste and scrap
  Récupération de déchets et débris métalliques

Alternative Spellings (synonyms): Recycle, Waste, scrape, Scraper, Scrapers, Recyclings, Wastes, scraps
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