The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
18401(18426)Leupoldsgrün, Leupoldsgruen (Germany)113
18402(18427)Levernois (France)113
18403(18428)Liliental (Germany)113
18404(18429)Löderburg, Loederburg (Germany)113
18405(18430)Loosdorf (Austria)113
18406(18431)Loxstedt Düring, Loxstedt Duering (Germany)113
18407(18432)Lubersac (France)113
18408(18433)Lucka (Germany)113
18409(18434)Luetzelflueh (Switzerland)113
18410(18435)Lutten (Netherlands)113
18411(18436)Luxémont Et Villotte, Luxemont Et Villotte (France)113
18412(18437)Maastricht Airport (Netherlands)113
18413(18438)Maishofen (Austria)113
18414(18439)Marignac (France)113
18415(18440)Marklkofen (Germany)113
18416(18441)Markt Einersheim (Germany)113
18417(18442)Matanzas Santomera (Murcia) (Spain)113
18418(18443)Mater (Belgium)113
18419(18444)Mazières De Touraine, Mazieres De Touraine (France)113
18420(18445)Melbeck (Germany)113
18421(18446)Mennecy (France)113
18422(18447)Mercin Et Vaux (France)113
18423(18448)Merriott (United Kingdom)113
18424(18449)Mesiéres Sur Seine, Mesieres Sur Seine (France)113
18425(18450)Messancy (Belgium)113
18426(18451)Michaelbeuern (Austria)113
18427(18452)Miravalles Vizcaya (Spain)113
18428(18453)Mirebeau Sur Beze (France)113
18429(18454)Mittelbach (Germany)113
18430(18455)Mittelbergheim (France)113
18431(18456)Moirans En Montagne (France)113
18432(18457)Molières Sur Cèze, Molieres Sur Ceze (France)113
18433(18458)Molinet (France)113
18434(18459)Mölln, Moelln (Austria)113
18435(18460)Mömlingen, Moemlingen (Germany)113
18436(18461)Monnickendam (Netherlands)113
18438(18463)Mordelles (France)113
18439(18464)Mory (United Kingdom)113
18440(18465)Müllheim-Wigoltingen, Muellheim-Wigoltingen (Switzerland)113
18441(18466)Munderfing (Austria)113
18442(18467)Mutzschen (Germany)113
18443(18468)Nebikon (Switzerland)113
18444(18469)Neuenbürg / Württ, Neuenbuerg / Wuertt (Germany)113
18445(18470)Neufvilles (Belgium)113
18446(18471)Neulengbach (Austria)113
18447(18472)Neveronys (Lithuania)113
18448(18473)Niaux (France)113
18449(18474)Niederstadtfeld (Germany)113
18450(18475)Niederwiesa (Germany)113

1..50 18301..18350, 18351..18400, 18401..18450, 18451..18500, 18501..18550 28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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