Pos. |
Last P. |
City |
No Co. |
Total Sales |
15701 | (15724) | Mei�enheim, Meissenheim (Germany) | 2 | 24.00 |
15702 | (15725) | Moholm (Sweden) | 2 | 24.00 |
15703 | (15726) | Motten (Germany) | 2 | 24.00 |
15704 | (15727) | Mozzo (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15705 | (15728) | Nachod (Czech Republic) | 2 | 24.00 |
15706 | (15729) | Nesles (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15707 | (15730) | Nove Mesto na Morave (Czech Republic) | 2 | 24.00 |
15708 | (15731) | Noveant Sur Moselle (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15709 | (15732) | Ottensoos (Germany) | 2 | 24.00 |
15710 | (15733) | Paimboeuf (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15711 | (15734) | Pavlovsk (Russia) | 2 | 24.00 |
15712 | (15735) | Peynier (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15713 | (15736) | Pignataro Maggiore (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15714 | (15737) | Pommerit Jaudy (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15715 | (15738) | Pont De Vaux (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15716 | (15739) | Ponte Nossa (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15717 | (15740) | Pouanc�, Pouance (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15718 | (15741) | Pozzilli (IS) (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15719 | (15742) | Puidoux (Switzerland) | 2 | 24.00 |
15720 | (15743) | Rammingen (Germany) | 2 | 24.00 |
15721 | (15744) | Rennertshofen (Germany) | 2 | 24.00 |
15722 | (15745) | Rivolta D'Adda (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15723 | (15746) | R�llbach, Roellbach (Germany) | 2 | 24.00 |
15724 | (15747) | Romille (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15725 | (15748) | Rouffiac Tolosan (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15726 | (15749) | Saint Jean De Bournay (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15727 | (15750) | Salouel (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15728 | (15751) | Samer (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15729 | (15752) | San Benigno Canavese (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15730 | (15753) | San Clemente (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15731 | (15754) | Sevelen (Switzerland) | 2 | 24.00 |
15732 | (15755) | Sierentz (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15733 | (15756) | St Cl�ment De Rivi�re, St Clement De Riviere (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15734 | (15757) | St Germain (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15735 | (15758) | Strona (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15736 | (15759) | Tivoli (Italy) | 2 | 24.00 |
15737 | (15760) | Villeneuve Les Avignon (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15738 | (15761) | Vionnaz (Switzerland) | 2 | 24.00 |
15739 | (15762) | Voutr�, Voutre (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15740 | (15763) | Wilnis (Netherlands) | 2 | 24.00 |
15741 | (15764) | Wittisheim (France) | 2 | 24.00 |
15742 | (15765) | 's Gravenwezel (Belgium) | 1 | 24.00 |
15743 | (15766) | Albak (Denmark) | 1 | 24.00 |
15744 | (15767) | Amay (Belgium) | 1 | 24.00 |
15745 | (15768) | Aywaille (Belgium) | 1 | 24.00 |
15746 | (15769) | Blaj (Romania) | 1 | 24.00 |
15747 | (15770) | Cagaloglu (Turkey) | 1 | 24.00 |
15748 | (15771) | Fanzeres (Portugal) | 1 | 24.00 |
15749 | (15772) | Frankenberg / Eder (Germany) | 1 | 24.00 |
15750 | (15773) | Gubkin (Russia) | 1 | 24.00 |
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters.
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