The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
15051(15073)Beimerstetten (Germany)128
15052(15074)Berschweiler (Germany)128
15053(15075)Bestensee (Germany)128
15054(15076)Beucha (Germany)128
15055(15077)Bienenbüttel, Bienenbuettel (Germany)128
15056(15078)Bobenneukirchen (Germany)128
15057(15079)Bockhorn (Germany)128
15058(15080)Borkum (Germany)128
15059(15081)Bornum (Germany)128
15060(15082)Borsdorf (Germany)128
15061(15083)Borsfleth (Germany)128
15062(15084)Braubach (Germany)128
15063(15085)Brodowin (Germany)128
15064(15086)Brunnen (Germany)128
15065(15087)Bundenbach (Germany)128
15066(15088)Bürgel, Buergel (Germany)128
15067(15089)Burkardroth (Germany)128
15068(15090)Büsum, Buesum (Germany)128
15069(15091)Buttstädt, Buttstaedt (Germany)128
15070(15092)Crossen An Der Elster (Germany)128
15071(15093)Dekani (Slovenia)128
15072(15094)Domnitz (Germany)128
15073(15095)Eichstätt Wegscheit, Eichstaett Wegscheit (Germany)128
15074(15096)Espenhain (Germany)128
15075(15097)Ettal (Germany)128
15076(15098)Feldatal (Germany)128
15077(15099)Finja (Sweden)128
15078(15100)Fladungen (Germany)128
15079(15101)Fraureuth (Germany)128
15080(15102)Friedensau (Germany)128
15081(15103)Gaggenau-Ottenau (Germany)128
15082(15104)Gerolsbach (Germany)128
15083(15105)Gieboldehausen (Germany)128
15084(15106)Glaubitz (Germany)128
15085(15107)Gleina (Germany)128
15086(15108)Gleisweiler (Germany)128
15087(15109)Goslar-Hahnenklee (Germany)128
15088(15110)Graasten (Denmark)128
15089(15111)Grabenstaett (Germany)128
15090(15112)Grez-Doiceau (Belgium)128
15091(15113)Groitzsch Ortsteil Gatzen (Germany)128
15092(15114)Groß Machnow, Gross Machnow (Germany)128
15093(15115)Grünbach, Gruenbach (Germany)128
15094(15116)Haltern Ot Lippramsdorf (Germany)128
15095(15117)Harbke (Germany)128
15096(15118)Harsleben (Germany)128
15097(15119)Haßleben, Hassleben (Germany)128
15098(15120)Hastrungsfeld-Burla (Germany)128
15099(15121)Häusern, Haeusern (Germany)128
15100(15122)Heideland (Germany)128

1..50 14951..15000, 15001..15050, 15051..15100, 15101..15150, 15151..15200 28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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