The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
12451(12471)Benevent L Abbaye (France)152
12452(12472)BOA Vista (Portugal)152
12453(12473)Borriol (Spain)152
12454(12474)Bromborough Wirral (United Kingdom)152
12455(12475)Brou Sur Chantereine (France)152
12456(12476)Colombier Fontaine (France)152
12457(12477)Credin (France)152
12458(12478)Dodow (Germany)152
12459(12479)Embreville (France)152
12460(12480)Empelde Ronnenberg (Germany)152
12461(12481)Epinouze (France)152
12462(12482)Eragny (France)152
12463(12483)Filothei Athens (Greece)152
12464(12484)Gasville Oiseme (France)152
12465(12485)Gidy (France)152
12466(12486)Gujan-Mestras (France)152
12467(12487)Harin (Norway)152
12468(12488)Harston (United Kingdom)152
12469(12489)Heuvelland Wijtschate (Belgium)152
12470(12490)Isle of Wight (United Kingdom)152
12471(12491)Kasel-Golzig (Germany)152
12472(12492)Konté Ch, Konte Ch (Belgium)152
12473(12493)L Isle D Espagnac (France)152
12474(12494)L'Isle En Dodon (France)152
12475(12495)La Gouesnière, La Gouesniere (France)152
12476(12496)La Madeleine De Nonancourt (France)152
12477(12497)La Suze Sur Sarthe (France)152
12478(12498)Labatut (France)152
12479(12499)Le Sen (France)152
12480(12500)Leistercher (United Kingdom)152
12481(12501)Les Fougerêts, Les Fougerets (France)152
12482(12502)Longhope (United Kingdom)152
12483(12503)Louvigny Verny (France)152
12484(12504)Maashees (Netherlands)152
12485(12505)Maceira (Portugal)152
12486(12506)Milagro (Spain)152
12487(12507)Müden-Aller, Mueden-Aller (Germany)152
12488(12508)Münzbach, Muenzbach (Austria)152
12489(12509)Mussy Sur Seine (France)152
12490(12510)Naves (France)152
12491(12511)Niechlow (Poland)152
12492(12512)Niedernwoehren (Germany)152
12493(12513)Nortamptonshire (United Kingdom)152
12494(12514)Northeastlincs (United Kingdom)152
12495(12515)Odense (Sweden)152
12496(12516)Parets de Valles (Spain)152
12497(12517)Ploudaniel (France)152
12498(12518)Romilly-sur-Andelle (France)152
12499(12519)Rots (France)152
12500(12520)Sailly Sur La Lys (France)152

1..50 12351..12400, 12401..12450, 12451..12500, 12501..12550, 12551..12600 28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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