DBconnecti: ip=, myip= NACE Code 29.21 Manufacture of furnaces and furnace burners - Lexikon
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NACE Code 29.21 Manufacture of furnaces and furnace burners

The NACE Code 29.21 is described as
Manufacture of furnaces and furnace burners

This class includes:
· manufacture of electrical and other industrial and laboratory furnaces and ovens, including incinerators
· manufacture of burners
This class also includes:
· manufacture of mechanical stokers, grates, ash dischargers, etc.
This class excludes:
· manufacture of agricultural dryers, see 29.53
· manufacture of non-electric bakery ovens, see 29.53
· manufacture of dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard, see 29.56
· manufacture of household ovens, see 29.71
· manufacture of medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers, see 33.10

It belongs to the code group
NACE Code 29.2 Manufacture of other general purpose machinery

To this Code "29.21" belongs the sub codes
(No direct sub codes available)

The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
2914: Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners
  Fabrication de fours et de brûleurs

The equivalent NAICS Code (Rev. 2002) is
238220: Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors

The Nearest HS Code (Harmonized System) (Rev. 2002) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
29.21: Herstellung von Öfen und Brennern - Herstellung von Öfen und Brennern
29.21: Manufacture of furnaces and furnace burners - Manufacture of furnaces and furnace burners
29.21: Fabrication de fours et de brûleurs
29.21: Fabbricazione di fornaci e bruciatori
29.21: Fabricacion de hornos y quemadores
29.21: Vervaardiging van industri‰le ovens en branders
29.21: Fremstilling af ovne og fyringsaggregater

Alternative Spellings (synonyms): manufactur, manufacture, manufactures, burner
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