Deutsch: Koordination / Español: Coordinación / Português: Coordenação / Français: Coordination / Italiano: Coordinamento

Coordination in the industrial context refers to the organized management of various activities, processes, and operations within a company to ensure that resources are used most efficiently and that all parts of the organization work together towards common goals and objectives.


In industry, coordination is crucial for aligning the different functions and departments such as production, supply chain, quality control, and maintenance to operate harmoniously. Effective coordination helps in minimizing delays, reducing costs, optimizing resource use, and enhancing productivity. It involves communication, scheduling, and strategic planning to synchronize activities across various parts of an organization.

Application Areas

Coordination is essential in several key areas within industrial operations:

  • Project Management: Ensuring that all aspects of a project are aligned and that timelines are met.
  • Supply Chain Management: Coordinating between suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors to ensure that materials and products are delivered on time.
  • Production Scheduling: Aligning production activities with available resources and market demands.
  • Maintenance Coordination: Scheduling regular maintenance to minimize downtime without disrupting production schedules.

Well-Known Examples

Examples of effective coordination in industry include:

  • Toyota’s Just-in-Time (JIT) Production: This is a prime example of coordination where inventory is kept low and parts are supplied and produced only as needed to meet consumer demand.
  • Cross-Functional Teams: Many companies use cross-functional teams to coordinate efforts across departments for new product development, ensuring that all relevant expertise is utilized effectively.

Treatment and Risks

Effective coordination involves several strategies and considerations:

  • Communication Tools: Utilizing advanced communication technologies to keep all parts of the organization informed and aligned.
  • Management Strategies: Employing project management and workflow coordination tools to oversee and synchronize various tasks and activities.
  • Risk Management: Planning for potential disruptions in supply, technology, or labor and having contingency plans in place.

Similar Terms

  • Integration: Often used interchangeably with coordination, though integration generally refers to combining parts into a unified whole.
  • Collaboration: Involves working together across teams or departments but is more focused on joint effort than the managerial aspect of coordination.



In the industrial context, coordination is about efficiently managing and aligning various operations and activities within a company to ensure smooth functioning and to achieve business objectives. It is a critical capability for any organization looking to optimize operations and enhance productivity.


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